Posts by admin

Women’s Health Today About Women, For Everyone Friday July 22, 2011 8am MST KUNM 89.9fm or Listen to the promo here: wht-promo 7.22.11 How do sex and gender impact health? Does health policy adequately address systemic problems rooted in the relationships between patient, provider and insurer? Women’s Health Today looks at health from an interdisciplinary and woman-centered perspective, examining the many...

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July 13, 2011|By Marissa Cevallos, HealthKey / For the Booster Shots blog Cancer kills more men than women — some forms more than others, finds a new study. In the new assessment of cancer data, men are more than twice as likely than women to die from lung, skin, kidney and liver cancers. Overall, not including sex-specific or breast cancers, men’s death rates are 1.9 times higher than women’s, according to the new...

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