Women’s Health Today on KUNM 89.9fm or www.kunm.org June 14, 2013 – 8am MST, 10am EST Celebrating fathers; Exploring the impact of women’s health on boys and men Listen to the promo here -KUNM promo 6.14.13 This month we have a special show focused on celebrating fathers and exploring the role of women’s health in the lives of boys and men. Guests include: Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist turned parenting coach...
Read MoreWomen’s Health Today on KUNM 89.9fm or www.kunm.org May 10, 2013 – 8am MST, 10am EST Women, Work and Motherhood Listen to the promo here – PromoWHT51013 Is there adequate support for new moms and families of newborns? If research tells us that time to bond with the baby is a determinant of the child’s health and development, why are there so few social supports and policies to adequately accomplish this? Is there a safety...
Read MoreFriday, March 8th 8am MST Women’s Health Today on KUNM 89.9fm or www.kunm.org Listen to the promo here: wht kunm 3.6.13 I’ll be talking about health and safety for children and families with John McPhee, the Childhood Injury Prevention Coordinator, the SAFE KIDS New Mexico Coalition Coordinator and the Consumer Product Safety Commission Designee for the New Mexico Department of Health for the past 16 years. More...
Read MoreFriday, January 11th 8am MST Women’s Health Today on KUNM 89.9fm or www.kunm.org Women’s Health Today promo With the majority of low wage and part time workers in America being women, and more women being heads of households and decision makers in consumer and health spending, how do the recent deficit reduction and revenue raising strategies discussed by Congress and the President impact women? I’ll be talking to...
Read MoreFriday, October 12th 8am MST Women’s Health Today on KUNM 89.9fm or www.kunm.org Listen to the 30 second promo here Who is being encouraged or discouraged to vote? How does voter participation relate to the health of women and families? My guests include Laurie Weahkee, of Native American Voters Alliance, Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver, and Adriann Barboa of Strong Families NM . We will be talking about the...
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