Posts Tagged "women’s health"

July 13, 2011|By Marissa Cevallos, HealthKey / For the Booster Shots blog Cancer kills more men than women — some forms more than others, finds a new study. In the new assessment of cancer data, men are more than twice as likely than women to die from lung, skin, kidney and liver cancers. Overall, not including sex-specific or breast cancers, men’s death rates are 1.9 times higher than women’s, according to the new...

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Women’s Health Today April 22nd 8am I discussed some of the challenges in women’s health and gender specific medicine, new research on clinical trials and women, the Affordable Care Act, and National Women’s Health Week. My guests included Women’s Health 2011 Congress Chair, Dr. Wendy Klein, Federal Drug Administration Research Fellow Rita Poon, sex and gender health policy expert and Women’s Health...

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One of the last things I did as Executive Director of the Women’s Health Office was to report policy recommendations about substance abuse and pregnancy to the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee. Some of those recommendations were drafted as legislation and introduced this session: HM13 (Stewart) Gender-specific Treatment Standards HM14 (Chasey) Oversight Memorial SB353(Lopez/WilsonBeffort) Substance Abuse and...

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