Well Woman Radio

Broadcasting on the second Friday of the month
at 8am on KUNM 89.9FM

Hosted by Giovanna Rossi

GREAT SHOW this morning on breastfeeding & society. Thank you so very much.

-Victoria P.

How does being a woman determine your health and well being? Does health and other policy adequately address systemic problems and root causes of ill health? Women’s Health Today looks at health from a woman-centered perspective, examining the biological, psychological, environmental and social factors effecting the health and well-being of women and families.

KUNM Broadcast Times


Second Friday of every month at 8:00 am

  • April 12th
  • May 10th
  • June 14th
  • July 12th
  • August 9th
  • September 13th
  • October 11th
  • November 8th
  • December 13th




Podcasts of my women’s health segment on Women’s Focus on KUNM 89.9fm:

  • December 11, 2010 interview with community health educator and owner of Sendero Wellness, Antonia Montoya, about health and wellness.
  • October 30, 2010 interview with National Women’s Law Center’s senior counsel, Lisa Codispoti, about women and health care reform.
  • September 25, 2010 interview with Judy Norsigian of Our Bodies, Ourselves and Carol Ciancutti-Leyva, filmmaker, about breast implant safety.

Since I am a man who was breastfed (as was my brother) and as a father whose son was also breastfed, I was thankful to hear your show today. Keep up the fine work with Well Women Radio

 -Glen T.

“You do such good radio shows- the choice of guests and the interview structure make them both enjoyable and informative.

-Brook J.

I really enjoyed your interview with Dr. Jenkins on KUNM. Very informative. Thank you for that!

-Christina K.

Really interesting show this morning. Good job! I’d love to hear more from that guest. I learned a lot.

-Rachel M.

I love hearing Giovanna on the radio. She has an intelligent, distinctive voice, and I’m always impressed by her insights.

-Mary H.